Document version



Validity date

04 July 2023


First, let us reassure you that the newsletter from us is free of charge. The Terms and Conditions that you are reading apply to the provision of Digital Content in the form of an e-book and/or audiovisual material and/or access to an online training course and/or a Digital Service as part of our newsletter. It also sets out the rules regarding cookies SERVICE) in the provision of the Digital Content and/or Service.

Feel free to contact us! 

If you have any questions about the content of these Terms and Conditions, please contact us by email at: and/or at telephone number: +48 799 396 396.


Who makes the Digital Content or Digital Service available?

The entity providing the Digital Content or Digital Service and the controller of your personal data is: CORAB SPÓŁKA AKCYJNA based in Olsztyn (10-547) at ul. Michała Kajki 4, entered in the Register of Businesses kept by the District Court in Olsztyn, 8th Economic Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000950779, Business Statistics Number (REGON): 510519084, Tax Identification Number (NIP): 7390207757, with a share capital of PLN 1,184,000.00 fully paid up.


The Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer (Ms. Katarzyna Krzywicka), whom you can contact by e-mail at: or by telephone at + 48 794 509 753.



Who does these Terms and Conditions apply to?

The Terms and Conditions apply to persons who have subscribed to our newsletter and use the Digital Content or Digital Services made available as part of the Newsletter. The recipients are consumers, entrepreneurs with the rights of consumers and entrepreneurs:




Data produced and delivered in digital form;

Digital Content


A service that allows a consumer to produce, process, store or access data in digital form, or a service for the sharing of data in digital form that have been uploaded or produced by the consumer, or other users of that service, or other forms of interaction using such data;


Digital Service



Money or a digital representation of value payable in exchange for the provision of the Digital Content or Digital Service.






This Document





Computer hardware, software and network connection used to access or use the Digital Content or Digital Services, i.e..:  


  • desktop computer, laptop or any other multimedia device with Internet access (tablet, mobile phone),
  • access to email,
  • active e-mail address,
  • keyboard or any other device to correctly fill in electronic forms,
  • access to an updated web browser: Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari.



Terms and Conditions



Minimum Technical Requirements

General Terms and Conditions
of the Agreement on the Provision
of Digital Content or Service


  1. 1. You can receive a gift in the form of the Digital Content or Service as part of your newsletter sign-up, such as access to a training course, e-book, conference or any other digital material of value to you. However, this is not the rule; sometimes we make newsletter subscription available without a gift, and the main reason for signing up is, as always with us, interesting content regularly delivered to your inbox.
  2. 2. If you are offered a gift where you subscribe to the newsletter, please note that you do not need to subscribe the newsletter to gain access to the gift, i.e. the Digital Content or Service. In order to access the Digital Content or Digital Service provided by us through the newsletter, all you need to do is join our newsletter database. By providing us with your first name and email address as part of your newsletter sign-up and by clicking on the relevant statement, you agree to have the Digital Content or Digital Service made available to you at the email address you provided upon sign-up.
  3. 3. However, if you do not wish to subscribe to our newsletter, you can receive access to the Digital Content or Digital Service without doing so by paying the Price of PLN 79.99 gross to access the Digital Content or Digital Service without subscribing to the newsletter.
  4. 4. Information about an optional gift in the form of the Digital Content or Digital Service via the newsletter is provided on the sign-up form which is embedded on our website. In the absence of information about an optional gift in the form of the Digital Content or Digital Service available via the newsletter, you can sign up for and subscribe to our newsletter.
  5. 5. As part of the newsletter, we distribute educational content, industry reports and commercial information about our products and services, for the purpose of direct marketing of our services and products.
  6. 6. By subscribing to the newsletter, you grant us permission to process your data, including your name and your email address, for the purpose of providing you with the newsletter under these Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy embedded on our website.
  8. 7. You may subscribe to the newsletter by completing and submitting the subscription form embedded on our website. The form can also be completed by filling in a pop-up on our website, by signing up on a dedicated website (landing page) or through a sign-up form embedded in the content of the website.
  9. 8. Once you have completed the subscription form, you will need to confirm your email address (double opt-in mechanism).
  10. 9. If you do not confirm your email address, we will not provide you with the Digital Content and/or Service as part of the newsletter.
  11. 10. By confirming your subscription to the newsletter, you enter into an agreement on the provision of the Digital Content or an agreement on the provision of the Digital Services.
  12. 11. The Digital Content is provided by sending an active link with access to the Digital Content to the email address you have provided. The Digital Service is delivered in accordance with the instructions provided in the message sent to you.
  13. 12. In order to enjoy an unlimited use of the Digital Content and/or Service, it is necessary to meet the Minimum Technical Requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions. These are technical requirements to be able to work with the ICT system and to use the Digital Content or Digital Service provided, i.e.:
  • computer, laptop or any other multimedia device with Internet access;
  • access to e-mail;
  • active e-mail address;
  • keyboard or any other device to correctly fill in electronic forms;
  • access to an updated web browser: Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari.

    13. You can withdraw from the Agreement on the Provision of Digital Content or Digital Service within 14 days of its conclusion.


General Terms and Conditions
for the Provision of the Digital
Content or Digital Service
for a consideration.


  1. 1. If, for any reason, you do not wish to provide us with your data and subscribe to our newsletter, you may obtain access to the Digital Content or Digital Service by paying the Price, i.e. PLN 79.99 gross.
  2. 2. You may access the Content or Digital Service for a consideration by requesting us via e-mail for paid access in the form of an individual order to the e-mail address specified on the website.
  3. 3. If you do so, write to us at the email address mentioned hereinabove to place such an order.
  4. 4. In the reply, you will receive the terms and conditions of sale by e-mail in the form of an active link or included as an e-mail attachment.
  6. 5. Along with the terms and conditions, we will also let you know about the disclosure obligation under the GDPR and other laws, if applicable to you, together with a VAT invoice.
  7. 6. Once your payment has been credited to our bank account, we will promptly grant you access to the Digital Content or Digital Service in the form of an active link or by any other means of which you will be advised in advance.
  8. 7. The acceptance of the Terms and Conditions in the form of an e-mail is necessary to conclude the Agreement.


Newsletter service





  1. 1. Your data provided in the newsletter subscription form (first name, e-mail address) are processed to provide you with the newsletter based on your consent.
  3. 2. Remember to confirm your subscription to the newsletter once you receive the first message (double opt-in mechanism).
  5. 3. USER.COM Sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw is the newsletter service provider.
  7. 4. The provider's Privacy Policy is available at https:
  9. 5. The newsletter service provider ensures that your data will not be transferred to any third country outside the European Union for the purpose of providing the newsletter.
  11. 6. Providing data in the newsletter subscription form is voluntary, but necessary to send you the newsletter based on your consent (i.e. Article 6(a) of the GDPR) and for the purpose of asserting any claims in respect of the distribution of the newsletter.
  13. 7. You will continue to receive our newsletter until you unsubscribe or we cease the distribution of the newsletter.

    8. If you remain inactive for 6 months, we reserve the right to discontinue the provision of the newsletter, in which case we will remove you from the list of our subscribers, but your address will be available in the newsletter distribution system.


    9. The mechanism for unsubscribing from the newsletter service is not complicated; just click on the active link stating Wypisuję się (Unsubscribe from the newsletter). Once you have exercised this right and unsubscribed from the newsletter, your newsletter subscription data will be stored for the period necessary to defend potential claims. This is our legitimate interest as data controller. In this case, we process your data on the basis of the controller's legitimate interest (Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR). You can object to the processing of your data in this way at any time – write to us at the address given in these Terms and Conditions.


    10. In order to unsubscribe from the newsletter service, you can also write to us by email at the address mentioned in these Terms and Conditions. Then, as the controller of your data, we will remove you from the list of subscribers within our newsletter distribution software.


    11. Your data are stored in the system of the newsletter service provider for newsletter distribution. The newsletter service provider thus has access to the data we process within the system.

    12. We may also transfer your personal data provided when you subscribe to the newsletter to the following entities: the IT system maintenance and hosting service provider, the email service provider, the newsletter service provider and third parties supporting us in the distribution of the newsletter with whom we have entered into the relevant data processing agreements or third parties who are authorised to process data within the scope of our newsletter.


    13. As in any case where we process your data, you have the right to access the content of your data, the right to receive a copy of your data, the right to rectification, erasure and restriction of processing, the right to data portability, the right to object and the right to withdraw your consent at any time of your choice.


    14. However, please note that if you withdraw your consent to the processing of your data, this fact will not affect the lawfulness of the processing that was carried out on the basis of your consent prior to its withdrawal.


    15. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office as soon as you consider that the processing of your data violates the law.


    16. The email address you provide to us, which is stored in the system for sending newsletters, may be transferred to the Meta platform (formerly Facebook) for the purpose of creating an advertising audience within the Meta site.


    17. Please not that the Meta platform has implemented appropriate processes and procedures to ensure the confidentiality and security of the email address transmitted.


    18. Sign-up pages, including pop-up sign-up forms, are developed using the newsletter distribution system.


    19. The newsletter service provider ensures analytical and statistical functions by collecting information such as the number of views of specific pages.


    20. You can read more about the data collected on the website of the newsletter service provider.


    21. Data processing as part of the newsletter does not result in automated decision-making on our part that directly affects your rights and obligations; still, as part of profiling, we may provide you with content that is in line with your interests and conduct so that you may receive the best content.


Withdrawal of data processing consent


    2. 1. Data processing for the purpose of newsletter distribution is based on your consent.
    3. 2. You may withdraw this consent at any time, at your discretion.
    4. 3. If your personal data were processed on the basis of your consent, the withdrawal of your consent does not render the prior processing of your personal data unlawful.
    5. 4. Please note that, once you withdraw your consent, your data will continue to be stored in the newsletter distribution system.
    6. 5. In this case, we process your data on the basis of the data controller’s legitimate interest, which is to demonstrate in the future that a specific email address was subscribed to our newsletter database.
    7. 6. Your data will be retained until the supervisory authority can audit the correctness of the data processing related to the newsletter service.


Rights of the data subject



  1. 1. You may write to the email addresses provided at any time to request information about the processing of your data.
  3. 2.The GDPR grants you the following rights related to personal data processing:
  4. a) The right of access to information and the disclosure obligation – every person whose data are processed has the right to know what happens to their personal data. Right of access to personal data – if we, as the controller of your data, receive a request from you for access to your data, we are required provide you with such information. As the data controller, we are expected to fulfil our obligations in this respect immediately, no later than within one month. If this is not possible within this time limit, we are required inform you at least whether we are processing your data, and then we may extend the deadline for providing a complete response to your request by two months.
  5. b) Right to rectification of personal data – you can request that the controller of your data rectify inaccurate data or complete incomplete data.
  6. c) Right to erasure of personal data, right to be forgotten – you may request us as the controller of your personal data to erase your data and inform the person to whom your data have been transferred of the erasure. You also have the right to demand that your data that have been made public be also erased by other controllers. As the controller of your data, we are also required, upon your request, to inform you of the recipients to whom your data to be erased have been transmitted.
  7. d) Right to restriction of processing – you may request that the processing of your personal data be restricted. This is the case when, for example, you do not believe that your data are processed correctly or that we no longer need the data for the purposes of the processing.
  8. e) Right to object – you may object to your data being processed by the controller.
  9. f) Right to data portability – you may, under certain conditions, request that your data be transferred directly to another controller of your choice.
  10. g) Right to lodge a complaint – as soon as you consider that our processing of your data violates the law, you can lodge a complaint with the President of the Personal Data Protection Office.
  12. 3. Please note that you will not be entitled to each of these rights at all times and in every case. Do not take this as our bad will; this is just the law



Contact form


  2. 1. You can contact us via the contact form on our website or by e-mail.
  3. 2. The data you provide to us via the contact form, i.e. your email, order number and any other information provided in the form will be processed by us for the purpose of contacting you by electronic means.
  4. 3. When you contact us by e-mail, you provide us with your e-mail address as the address of the sender of the message. You can also include other personal data in your message.
  5. 4. In this case, your personal data are processed based on your consent resulting from the initiation of the agreement.
  7. 5. Once your contact with us is over, the content of your correspondence may be archived.
  8. 6. The period of archiving will not be longer than the limitation period for legal claims.



Cookies and tools implemented
on the website



  2. 1. This website, like many others, uses cookies.

  4. 2. Cookies are short textual information stored on the device you use to browse the website. They can be read by us (“own cookies”, applied to ensure that this website works properly and to improve our offerings), and by systems belonging to other parties whose services we use (“external cookies”).
  6. 3. Please note that you have the right to change your cookie settings in your browser and on our website.
  7. 4. When you first visit the website, information on the use of cookies is displayed. If you do not change your browser settings, you consent to their use.
  9. 5. Our website uses the following tracking technologies
  10. a) social plugins that redirect to our social profiles, i.e. Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and LinkedIn;
  11. b) analytical and marketing tools, i.e. Meta Piksel (Facebook Piksel.)


Meta Piksel (Facebook Piksel)


  2. 1. This is an analytical tool, a piece of code implemented on the website allowing us to target marketing to people who have visited our website or are interested in our business.
  4. 2. The data collected by the tool are anonymous (location, gender, age, Pixel) internet activity), and the provider (Meta) may combine them with data it has collected about you through your use of its platform.
  6. 3. META (Facebook) Pixel helps us determine the effectiveness of our marketing, reach a specific audience and show their reactions to our activities.
  7. 4. You can read more about the tool on the provider's website: https://pl-
  9. 5. The entire disclosure obligation regarding our presence on the Meta platform is made available here: Data Privacy Policy on Facebook CORAB S.A.


Video material and cookies


  2. 1. We place audiovisual material from YouTube and Vimeo on our website.
  4. 2. Cookies from Google LLC and Vimeo are used for this purpose.
  6. 3. Cookies are automatically generated when you play audiovisual material from the above websites. If you do not agree to this, do not play the video material.






    1. 1. The Digital Content and/or Digital Service provided is for educational purposes only and does not constitute or replace individual expert advice.
    3. 2. The available content is a manifestation of our own intellectual creation and is protected by copyright law.
    5. 3. Using the content provided for non-personal use may result in a risk of criminal and civil liability.


    4. If in doubt as to the legal nature of the content provided or how you may lawfully use it, please let us know and we will provide you with a comprehensive response.




Complaint Procedure


    2. 1. You may file complaints about the operation of this website, the newsletter, the Digital Content provided or the Digital Service directly to us at:
    4. 2. We will consider any complaint within 14 days, also responding to you by email.
    6. 3. You can also use out-of-court procedures for handling complaints and claims. You can request a permanent consumer arbitration court to resolve a dispute arising from the agreement you have concluded, request the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection to initiate mediation proceedings for an amicable settlement of a dispute between us, use the assistance of a district (city) consumer representative or a social organisation whose statutory task is to protect consumers.
    8. 4. You can also visit the ODR platform, available at.
    10. 5. The platform serves to resolve disputes between consumers and entrepreneurs seeking out-of-court resolution of disputes concerning contractual obligations arising from an online sales or service agreement.




Your obligations


  1. 1. As a user of this website, you are required to:
  2. a) provide only truthful, updated and necessary data in the forms provided and update the data without delay;
  3. b) use the content, services and functionalities provided by us in a manner that does not interfere with the work of the website or the Newsletter and in compliance with the applicable law, the provisions of the Terms and Conditions, as well as in accordance with customs and rules of social conduct, also in a manner that does not interfere with the operations of other users of the website or the Newsletter;
  4. c) refrain from providing or transmitting, on the website, any content which is prohibited by applicable law, in particular content which infringes copyrights or personal rights of third parties;
  5. d) refrain from uploading unlawful content, such as sending or uploading unsolicited commercial information (spam) or uploading any content that violates the law;
  6. e) refrain from unauthorised modification of the content provided;
  7. f) refrain from any action the goal of which is to take possession of information not intended for you.




Amendment to the Terms and Conditions


1. These Terms and Conditions may only be amended for the reasons set out below. Any amendment to the Terms and Conditions shall become effective 14 days after the date of notification. If the Terms and Conditions are amended, you have the same rights as when subscribing to the newsletter, including the right of withdrawal.

  1. 2. The Terms and Conditions may be amended due to:
  2. a) necessary adaptation of the Terms and Conditions to the provisions of applicable law and necessary adaptation of the Terms and Conditions to a recommendation, interpretation, ruling, order or decision of a public authority, or court ruling, insofar as they affect the content of the Terms and Conditions;
  3. b) introduction of new services, change of their scope or nature;
  4. c) changes to the technical conditions of service provision;
  5. d) changes to the scope of activities and organisational changes of the enterprise;
  6. e) correction of stylistic, linguistic or other non-substantive errors.